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Wheat Field


DRAFTED explores a whole new meaning to the idea of a draft...

When thousands of individuals mysteriously go missing, the public is left in fear and in panic as the looming thought of "am I next?" plagues the East Coast. Derrick soon finds himself at the front end of that question when he's ripped out of his sleep in the middle of a war he clearly isn't prepared for. Lost and confused, he begins to realize the reason behind the disappearances and what it really means to be Drafted.​

the film
Scene 10.JPG
The facts
The mission
Aerial View of Farm


Derrick is not as alone as he may think he is...

The year is 2550. War ravages cities and lays waste to once bustling towns. The OverLords are fighting for complete power over the planet and have one goal in mind: Annihilation. The Resistance is losing the war... badly, until one day the Resistance begins using DRAFTing to increase their numbers. When a soldier dies, another individual with the same DNA hundreds of years away is pulled in to replace the hole they left. When Derrick finds himself at the front end of this process he has no idea who to trust, or who to side with.


A small squad of Resistance fighters are on their way to infiltrate an OverLord base when Derrick shows up right in front of them. Jacobs makes the bold call to pick Derrick up and bring him along. Can the squad still pull off their mission with the extra weight, or will Derrick back out and jeopardize everyone's security? 



DRAFTED got its start from a very successful Kickstarter campaign...

In February 2021, filmmakers Jonah Berry, Josh Kandel, and Isaac Kandel sat down to begin the long journey of their first ever long-form film. They launched a kickstarter campaign in the early weeks of March who's success surprised even them. After shattering their goal, the film could now become a reality. Production began shortly after in mid-May in rural Tennessee across farm fields like the one shown here.


Over the course of the next several weeks the small crew would put in countless hours and many long days in the record heat to capture all the needed footage, bringing the story to life. With time against them and the weather fighting them, the guys powered through to complete the project.


Now the film finds itself in the final stages, getting polished and finalized in the editing process, only a few weeks away from release. The team is thrilled to bring you DRAFTED and hopes you enjoy it as much as they have.

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